About Us
Penzance Baptist Church is an established independent reformed Baptist church. A group of Christian believers baptised on profession of faith first formed a church in Penzance in 1802. The Baptist Chapel in Clarence Street was built for them in 1836 and continues to be used by today’s congregation of believers.
We look to uphold the great biblical doctrines of the Protestant Reformation, sometimes referred to as the doctrines of grace and most fully expressed in the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. Our purpose as a church is to glorify the God of the Bible in promoting His worship, reaching the lost, building up believers, and showing compassion to those around us. We are committed to proclaiming the reality of God’s holiness, man’s need, and the wonderful Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ throughout the world, and to the defence of the ‘faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.’

Each of the pictures represents one of the services, meetings or activities that take place at PBC. To explore more about them click the meeting name in the picture. We would be delighted if you decided to come and see what was happening!